Issue Template for Bug Reports

Please use the ‘Bug Report’ issue template when reporting bugs. The template is as follows:

Describe the bug

A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

Steps To Reproduce the behaviour:

  1. Go to ‘…’
  2. Click on ‘….’
  3. Scroll down to ‘….’
  4. See error

What is the expected behaviour?

A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.


Please complete the following information:

  • OS: [eg: MacOS Catalina]
  • Emacs Version: [This should be the output of M-x emacs-version ]
  • Poppler Version: [eg: output of brew info poppler and similarly for other OSs]

Your pdf-tools install

Please complete the following information:

  • pdf-tools Version: [ M-x package-list-packages -> Search for pdf-tools -> Hit Enter and copy all the details that pop up in the Help buffer]
  • pdf-tools customization / configuration that you use:

Additional context

  • If you are reporting a crash, please try and add the Backtrace / Stacktrace of the crash.
  • If you are reporting a bug, please try and attach an example PDF file where I can reproduce the bug.
  • If you can attach screenshots or recordings, that is a great help
  • Please try reproducing the bug yourself on Vanilla Emacs before reporting the problem.