Installing the epdfinfo server

If you install pdf-tools via NonGNU ELPA or MELPA, you don’t need to worry about this separate server installation at all.

Note: You’ll need GNU Emacs ≥ 26.3 and some form of a GNU/Linux OS. Other operating systems are not officially supported, but pdf-tools is known to work on many of them.

The epdfinfo install script takes care of installing all the necessary pre-requisites on supported operating systems (see list below). See the section on I want to add support for `pdf-tools` on `My Fav OS`. How do I do that? to learn how to add your favorite Operating System to this list.

Similarly, package-managers are not officially supported, but pdf-tools is known to be available on some of them. See the section on Installing the `epdfinfo` server from package managers to avoid manual installation of server / server prerequisites.

Installation Instructions for epdfinfo:

$ git clone
$ cd /path/to/pdf-tools
$ make -s # If you don't have make installed, run ./server/autobuild and it will install make

This should give you no error and should compile the epdfinfo server. If you face a problem, please report on the issue tracker!

The following Operating Systems / package managers are supported. Note: The package manager used to install pre-requisites should be installed on your OS for the script to work:

  • Debian-based systems (debian, ubuntu): apt-get
  • Fedora: dnf
  • macOS: brew
  • Windows (MSYS2/ MingW): pacman
  • NixOS: nix-shell
  • openSUSE (Tumbleweed and Leap): zypper
  • Void Linux: xbps-install
  • Apline Linux: apk
  • FreeBSD: pkg
  • OpenBSD: pkg_add
  • NetBSD: pkgin
  • Arch Linux: pacman
  • Gentoo: emerge
  • CentOS: yum